2020 Vision – IT Career Outlook
In a few weeks we will kick off not only a new year, but a new decade. The past ten years in the tech world have been full of fast-paced developments and expanding career opportunities. What is the outlook for IT professionals as we head into the new roaring 20s? Even with our most advanced technology developments, the crystal ball remains elusive, but here are five solid predictions to look for.
The Market is Expanding
All indications point to continued growth in the tech sector. In fact, the global IT industry is expected to exceed $5.2 trillion next year. At home the US accounts for over 30% of the global market and should easily exceed $1.6 trillion in 2020, representing a year-over-year growth rate of 4 – 5%. Growth means more positions to fill and more opportunities for career advancement.
AI Dominates
A recent poll of CIOs discovered that 80% of large companies are committed to expanding their AI development in 2020. Even more telling, 0% said that they will reduce AI spending over the next year. Big data + big cloud = big career opportunities.
Election Year Tech Talk
The past couple of election cycle has generated a lot of news about security surrounding US political races. 2020 is likely to have as much, if not more coverage about election security. Aside from news coverage, political parties, candidates, governments, media outlets, social media platforms, etc. are certain to beef up their security efforts, and that means adding a lot more positions.
Security Continues to Grow
Cybersecurity has seen transformative change over the past ten years. In the 2000s security strategy was largely defensive in nature. The 2010s saw a shift into a more proactive stance in security, and that is expected to gain more steam in the 20s. Top security experts are predicting that over the next few years cybersecurity will transition from being a function of IT to be its own department. This will usher in many career opportunities at all levels.
The outlook for IT professionals in 2020 is quite optimistic. Growth is expected to continue at a healthy rate, and businesses are expected to devote more resources to developing new technologies. Here’s hoping you have a happy new year, and a happy all year in your career.
Danielle Foppe is a Recruitment Manager at Business Centric Technology. If you are interested in learning more about how to get the best IT talent in the Dallas metroplex, contact Danielle specializes in recruiting IT talent in Dallas, Ft. Worth and North Texas. If you are looking for a rewarding career contact us today.